Toxicity and Minerals; The Sources, The Symptoms



 You are nervous,  emotional,  personality symptoms:

__ __  Dizziness

__ __  Depressions / unpredictable moodiness

__ __  Rapid mood changes

__ __  Loss of short term memory

__ __  Decrease of ability to concentrate

__ __  Nervousness/uncontrollable restlessness

__ __  Anxiousness / unmotivated anxiety

__ __  Fears / phobias

__ __  Lack of initiative

__ __  Inability to finish projects

__ __  Difficulties making decisions

__ __  Resolving doubts / uncertainties

__ __  Lack of self confidence

__ __  Timidity

__ __  Self effacement

__ __  Obsessions / compulsions

__ __  Hallucinations

__ __  Sudden outbursts of anger / rage

__ __  Mental disturbances /  Brain damage from mercury (alkyl) compounds concentrations.

__ __  Reflexes:  impaired / hindered

__ __  Neuritis:  inflammation / pain of nerves

__ __  Dizziness: feels like  world is moving

__ __  Trembling / uncontrollable hand tremors

__ __  Later, trembling of the body

__ __  Tremor(s) in one hand

You are sensitive to ‑‑ you react to:

__ __   Noises,  buzzing sounds

__ __   Noises from refrigerators / freezers / household appliances.

__ __   High voltage wires

__ __   Thunder / lightning

__ __   Weather changes

__ __   Electro‑magnets

You have experienced the following:

__ __  Rigidity / stiffness in trunk/arms/legs

__ __  Rigidity creates difficulties in:

__ __  Moving / walking

__ __  Rising from chair(s)

__ __  Turning over in bed

__ __  Handwriting becomes cramped / very small

Body symptoms / diseases:

__ __  Brown discolorations of skin

__ __  Numbness / tingling  of lips and feet

__ __  Parkinson’s disease

__ __  Cancer

__ __  Coronary artery disorder / disease

__ __  Blocked coronary artery (infarct)

__ __  Cerebral palsy / mental retardation of babies from mercury high mothers

__ __  Congenital abnormalities

__ __  Gold rings / bracelets  turn black

Mouth / nose / eye / ear  symptoms:

__ __  Loss of vision

__ __  Impairment / loss of hearing

__ __  Loss of smell

__ __  Stuffed nose (catarrh)

__ __  Bloody discharge from nose

__ __  Dry crusts on inner skin of nose

__ __  Chronic discharge (catarrh) of ear(s)

__ __  Ear sound(s): ringing, buzzing, clicking

__ __  Excess salivation  / drooling

__ __  Gum swelling / tenderness / gingivitis

__ __  Teeth become loose

__ __  Ulcers of mucus membranes

__ __  Metallic taste in mouth

Throat / lungs:                       

__ __  Hoarseness

__ __  Inflammation(s) of the throat

__ __  ”  of the bronchi /  lungs / pneumonia

__ __  Persistent cough

__ __  Weakening of lungs (Emphysema)

__ __  Shortness of breath

__ __  Chest pain attack(s) ‑‑ accompanied by

__ __  Difficulties breathing

__ __  Sudden weakness / faintness

__ __  Drop in blood pressure.

Symptoms/disorders of kidneys / glands:

__ __  Frequent urination

__ __  Increased excretion of urine

__ __  Night urination ‑‑ get up several times

__ __  Painful urination

__ __  Pain in the groin /  testicles

__ __  Sterility

__ __  Impaired sexual activity / functions

Muscles / bones / joints:

__ __  Pain (girdle like) radiates to arms/legs

__ __  Ulcers of leg(s) that refuse to heal

__ __  Painful hips / knees

__ __  Stiffness in back

__ __  Back pain

__ __  Sciatica ‑‑ pain down back of leg(s)

__ __  Arthritis

__ __  Spondylitis (inflammation of cartilages)

__ __  Bony deformities

High level intense exposure leads to:

__ __  Brain damage / Nerve disorders

__ __  Birth defects


____  +  General   ___  = ___ X .9 = ____ %  Total  Toxic total

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