The Magic Bullet Support for Depression And Manic Depression

  • Retail: $24.95

Author: Raymond Forbes



What your endocrinologist doesn’t tell you about how lifestyle and diet can save your life! Dr. Forbes applies his 40 years of working with manic depression in this book. IFNH was contacted by Dr. Forbes back in 1992 in an effort to get a copy of some of Dr. Page’s books and any other materials on Dr. Page’s work. In the following conversation he shared how he was desperate to find out where he could purchase Dr. Page’s MicroEndocrines (a supplement) because he had an adopted son who was manic depressive. A couple of years later he contacted us again because he wanted to write a book on Dr. Page’s work on depression and manic depression.

Dr. Forbes used Dr. Page’s newsletters to create his two book’s manuscript and apply his personal insights on depression and manic depression, covering over 40 years. Dr. Forbes was fighting the same problems himself for most of his life. 

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