Thermometer, digital, storage case included

  • Retail: $10.95

With normal thyroid function, when there is a need for more thyroid secretion, a signal is received by the pituitary gland which then releases a substance to stimulate thyroid function. As soon as the needed amount of thyroid secretion has then been released into the bloodstream, the pituitary gland gets the message, stops releasing its thyroid-stimulating substance, and less thyroid is produced. Through this sensitive “feedback” mechanism, the amount of thyroid hormone in the bloodstream is maintained in an effective, narrow range.

When thyroid function is deficient, the gland cannot respond adequately to the stimulus form the pituitary.  The “Barnes Basal Thyroid Temperature Test” is an excellent way to help you assess your thyroid function using basal body temperature (your body’s temperature at rest).  If the thyroid is low, the body’s temperature will drop below normal while the body is at rest or asleep.

Source: Barnes, B., & Galton, L. (1976). Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness. New York: Harper & Row.

NOTE: Our preferred thermometers are out of stock indefinitely, therefore, we offer digital thermometers.


Dr. Broda O. Barnes created a simple effective technique called the “Barnes Basal Thyroid Temperature Test.” Although the basal temperature test is not 100% specific for thyroid function, this simple procedure is remarkably successful in uncovering under-functioning thyroid. This test is an excellent way to help you assess your thyroid function using basal body temperature (your body’s temperature at rest).  If the thyroid is low, the body’s temperature will drop below normal while the body is at rest or asleep.  You do this test by measuring your underarm temperature upon waking from a night’s sleep.  For accuracy, you perform the test five mornings in a row, and then calculate the average.  Menstruating women should start the test on day two of the period.

Source: Barnes, B., & Galton, L. (1976). Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness. New York: Harper & Row.

NOTE: Our preferred thermometers are out of stock indefinitely, therefore, we offer digital thermometers.


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