This manual contains over 200 whole food nutrition/herbal protocols, (including dietary and lifestyle recommendations), covering a wide variety of common and uncommon conditions. Coming from a functional nutrition perspective, the protocols are a compilation of information derived from interactions with private nutrition clients, as well as 30 years of education and 20 years of field experience with practitioners of all types. Additionally, there are numerous practical patient and practice management tools included. From a compliance perspective, it is clear that poor diet, stress, toxicity, and nutritional deficiency play into impaired function/regulation of the cells and systems of the human body. This manual addresses the nutritional, dietary and lifestyle-related factors that contribute to impaired function. It does not diagnose or treat disease. This information will provide a foundation to build on for each individual you work with. It is my sincere wish that the information contained in this manual will make a difference in the health and lives of those in your care. ~~ Julie Shivley
*Please note: Clinical books are only available for practitioners and members.
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