ACG machine chart paper – chart mount card

  • Retail: $1.20

Size: 8.5″ x 11″


IFNH continues to carry the ACG machine chart paper for ACG users. Price: $1.20 each

Like the old Endocardiograph, the ACG records the sounds of the heart as the blood moves through the various chambers, valves, and vessels. The graph signature reflects the opening and closing of the valves, the contraction and strength of the hear muscle, and the efficiency of the movement of the blood, thus giving a clear view of heart function. Dr. Robert Peshek, DDS stated, “As so many types of nutritional deficiency affect the heart, it is evident that any instrument that affords an exact indication of the heart performance should be valuable as a ‘deficiency indicator’.” It is important to emphasize that the ACG reflects the efficiency of heart function.

Mounting the tracings on the chart mount card

  1. It is critical to record all of the indicated patient information.
  2. The graph paper to be mounted should be longer than the chart with the excess extending out on both sides.
  3. When mounting a patient’s tracings, it is advisable to place the aortic graph on top, followed by the mitral, then the pulmonary, and finally the tricuspid. This will allow a comparative analysis of the right and left heart circuits.
  4. Attach the aortic recording by tearing off the first two adhesive strip coverings and applying the graph paper to the exposed adhesive strips. The paper should be just below the last line of the chart heading.
  5. Tear off the third covering and apply the mitral graph. As closely as possible line up the first and second sounds of both tracings.
  6. Repeat procedure with pulmonary tracing.
  7. Repeat procedure with tricuspid tracing.
  8. Trim excess graph paper from the ends of the chart mount card.
  9. Check that each graph tracing identifies the valve and intensity setting on the top of each strip.
  10. A complete test record is now ready to be placed in the patient’s file.