4th Foundational Nutrition & ACG Conference (via online)

  • Retail: $495.00
  • General Membership Discount: $395.00
  • Professional Membership/Certification Discount: $395.00


The Doctor of the Future, Now – Stuart White, DC, CCN
Nutrient Pharmacology – Robert J. Peshek, DDS
Insights to Cardiovascular Health – George J. Goodheart, DC, DIBAK, FICC

The IFNH conferences on foundational nutrition are not designed for the beginner.  Looking at the lineup of speakers one will quickly realize that the topics and quality of the speakers are designed to build a greater understanding of those foundational issues and their root causes.  These conferences are full of clinical pearls to take home and apply in your practice the following week.  The subject matter ranges from a deep dissertation on clinical nutrition to a lighter motivational touch on practice building and patient management.

4 DVDs  & Manual available online upon purchase
CCWFN Students get lifetime online access


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