John A. Myers, MD.
John A. Myers, MD.

Dr. John A. Myers began his quest for personal health as a child after nearly dying of diphtheria at age three. After graduating as a certified electrical engineer from John Hopkins University in 1927 he found himself still questioning many of the new science of medicine’s hypotheses on health. So Dr. Myers decided to return to his alma mater to pursue a medical degree completing his studies in 1935.
After graduating Dr. Myers started applying his training in the use of measurement and control devices in engineering. This afforded him a unique background enabling him to scientifically discern the functional controls in the metabolic aspects of disease.
He was particularly interested in the trace minerals and the interrelationships of the biochemistry of cellular function and the application of nutritional elements to improve the metabolism of body systems. He used the teeth and the eyes, the most highly differentiated structures of the body, as measuring agents for evaluating metabolic response to treatment. Dr. Myers was noted for his unique way of blending mineral components to control metabolic balance in the body. The Myers cocktail was a noted formula that boosted the immune system and many of his patients started their day with this formula.
Dr. Melvin Page used to always make the comment that you could always send the impossible patient to Dr. Myers who would get them well but never weaning them from his mineral formulas.
Dr. Myers was a member of numerous professional societies both in the United States and abroad. He was also a founder and diplomat of the International College of Applied Nutrition.
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